Rancho Bernardo
Neighborhood Watch

Photo by: Nina Haines
Photo by: Vincent "2 Guns"Cobb

You will get to know and work with your neighbors
Recognize and report crimes, and suspicious activities,
Protect yourself, your family, and your property
Protect your neighbor’s family and property
Identify crime and disorder problems in your area and work with SDPD personnel to solve them
Volunteer Opportunities
We are seeking the active participation of residents to volunteer for this program.
Please help to keep our neighborhoods safe!
Download and complete the RBNW application
Due to the current office closure, contact
Volunteer Requirements
We are seeking the active participation of residents to volunteer for this program.
To become a volunteer, you must be a current resident of Rancho Bernardo, be 18 years of age or older, and have no felony convictions or misdemeanor convictions related to moral turpitude.
Office Support
Assist with creating the Block Folders, copy flyers for quarterly and other planned meetings, etc.
Block Captains
You serve your neighbors by maintaining communications with them.
Provide crime prevention and safety information and tip-sheets as well as facilitate information exchange between neighbors.
Training for new Block Captains and other positions are held quarterly on the same date of the regular quarterly communications meeting.
Please check the Calendar for upcoming events and training dates.
Block Captain Duties include:
Create a “roster” of the residents of your block and maintain communications with your neighbors (using email, phone, and/or door-to-door) Forms are provided by RBNW.
Distribute crime reports, alerts, and pertinent information to the neighbors in your block. These will be provided by the RBNW committee.
Encourage your neighbors to organize crime prevention activities, e.g., watching homes when residents are away, providing crime prevention tip sheets to residents, etc.
Plan and hold at least one “block” party a year for your block or join with other block captions on your street. (These can be a potluck dinner, ice cream social, whatever you and your neighbors want to do).